Signup Complete!
Your service is now secured! An email confirmation and your login invite to our client portal is on the way!
Our elite sales team will process your account and you will be will be notified by email within the next business day with your scheduled pick-up date!
Please note: Our office is open Monday – Friday from 7AM-6PM and you will receive your scheduling notification during regular business hours.
Please review
- You have accepted our terms of service via online or by telephone signup method.
- You have enrolled in our Auto-pay payment method. By far, the easiest way to pay for your services!
- Your billing cycle begins at sign-up & billed monthly on the same date (unless otherwise specified by our billing department).
- All promotions are redeemed with a prepayment for services. All services are prepaid.
If you have any questions or concerns about your service, please contact us via your personal client portal, email or by phone 916-DOG-POOP.